Visita SEI
Comunicados de imprensa
Port of Lisbon Receives Visit from Secretary of State for Infrastructure

On July 9th, the Port of Lisbon received a visit from the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Hugo Espírito Santo, as part of a tour of all national ports.

The meeting began with a working session with the Board of Directors of the Ports of Lisbon and Setúbal, where the planned investments for the Port of Lisbon, the details of operations at its terminals, and the strategy for the main ongoing projects at this port infrastructure were presented.



This was followed by a guided tour of the Alcântara Container Terminal, during which the Secretary of State for Infrastructure had the opportunity to visit the new cranes, installed during recent renovation works at the terminal.

Hugo Espírito Santo highlighted "the importance of the investments made and the need to maintain a growth trajectory, emphasizing the development potential with an integrated sector vision and a constant imperative for sustainability."

During the visit, Carlos Correia, president of APL, stated, "We believe that the Port of Lisbon has successfully followed a strategy of integration into current, increasingly efficient logistics chains. Alongside this, we maintain a posture of openness and coexistence with the local communities, with ongoing dialogue with their active forces!"