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APL, S.A. performs a set of strategic functions that proactively contribute to the port sustainable development, through its Safety and Pilotage Department.
Within this scope, the Port Authority guarantees the safety of people, ships, goods, the environment and even port facilities.
Supported by cutting-edge systems and technologies, compliant with the most demanding international codes and with all its operational facilities certified at the protection level, accordingly to Decree-Law 226/2006, of November 15, the Port of Lisbon places itself, in terms of safety, alongside the main European ports.
The uncompromising defence of the navigation, facilities, and operations safety conditions, carried out by the Port Authority, has (we have) always in mind the people, the goods and the surrounding urban space.
Through specific and comprehensive regulation - “APL’s Port Authority Regulation” (RAP, in Portuguese) - and dedicated inspection, APL, S.A. seeks to ensure compliance with the best practices in matters of safety, reducing the possibility of accidents without ever abstracting from the need to mitigate its consequences.
Let us introduce you some key points of the Port of Lisbon’s safety policy.
It is the crucial aspect of the whole strategy. The port’s excellent natural conditions of navigation and shelter allows the reception of various ships. The “Port Authority Regulation” establishes several rules and restrictions, essential for the port and navigation safety, namely:
- Ship’s approach, arrival, stay and departure
See RAP’s section 3 - Pilotage
See RAP’s section 4 - Anchorage
See RAP’s sections 5 and 18.a - Communications and navigation conditions
See RAP’s sections 8; 9.a; 9.b and 18.d - Navigation channels, operational depths and Buoyage
See RAP’s sections 9.c; 9.d; 18.b and 18.c
Once the ship enters the port, not only must be ensured that all operations are carried out in accordance with the international good safety practices, but also the compliance with international conventions, standards and codes to which the Portuguese state subscribes. Once again, this is guaranteed by specific regulation applicable to the handling of cargo, of which we highlight:
- Air and marine pollution
See RAP’s section 10.a - Fuels and lubricants. Supply and transfer
See RAP’s section 10.b - Dangerous goods
See RAP’s sections 10.c; 18.e and 18.f - Waste produced on board
See RAP’s section 10.e - Specific conditions for the handling of solid bulk
See RAP’s section 10.f
APL, S.A., in compliance with the requirements of Decree-Law 226/2006, of November 15, and Regulation (EC) No. 725/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of March 31, plays an active role in matters relating to the protection of the port of Lisbon and its facilities.
In any safety strategy, protection raises the demand level for access to operational spaces, promotes the analysis of port safety as a single “body” and justifies the performance of training and exercises involving different actors in port areas and of civil protection, which result in an improvement in the organizational capacity for the response to threats or accidents.
The list below presents the various protection officers responsible for the port protection.