Vista Silopor

28 December, 2020

Carga e logística

Record unloading of corn in Silopor Trafaria Terminal

The Trafaria Terminal, granted to SILOPOR, is a specialized terminal for the reception of agri-food bulk, classified as deep water, with technology that compares it to the best in Europe.

Its capacity to receive CAPESIZE bulk carriers was proved with the reception, between 7 and 21 December 2020, of the vessel CSSC AMSTERDAM, with a length of 255m and width of 43m, which unloaded 82,641 tons of Maize for the national agri-food industry.

This volume of merchandise is among the highest values received by the Trafaria Terminal in the last 20 years, which demonstrates the importance of this Port of Lisbon’s installation, for the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy.


